With summer at its peak, the Westport Weston Health District is encouraging residents to be particularly wary of ticks, which can cause Lyme disease.
The peak season for ticks is from April to September, which makes residents all the more susceptible to Lyme disease as they take advantage of the warm weather and are outside more often. Lyme disease can be prevented with the right planning and caution this summer.
What is Lyme disease?
Lyme disease is caused by the bite of infected deer ticks. These ticks are black in color, have four legs and are no bigger than the size of the period at the end of this sentence, yet when infected, can wreck havoc on the human body.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Connecticut has the highest number of reported cases of Lyme disease, with 2,658 reported in 2012. Fairfield County alone had 220 reported cases in 2012, according to the Connecticut Department of Health. Along with New London County, Fairfield County has more reported cases of Lyme disease than any other county in Connecticut.
The symptoms of Lyme disease vary among individuals, yet some common initial symptoms are fatigue, fever, depression and erythema migrans, a ?bull?s-eye? rash that is a hallmark of the disease.
If Lyme is left untreated, serious conditions can occur, such as arthritis and Bell?s facial palsy. Lyme often is misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and arthritis.
Local statistics
Over the course of the past five years, the number of reported Lyme cases has fluctuated.
According to the state health department, Weston residents reported anywhere from two to 18 cases of Lyme from 2008 to 2012.
Most health officials agree, however, that there are far more cases of Lyme that go unreported.
The Fairfield County statistics for these years, according to the state health department, also have no set pattern, yet the sheer number of cases reported means residents are at a greater risk for contracting Lyme disease.
The following cases of Lyme were reported in Fairfield County:
2008: 596 cases
2009: 699 cases
2010: 335 cases
2011: 305 cases
2012: 220 cases
Being wary about ticks is important, especially for families with young children. According to the Tick-Borne Disease Alliance (TBDA), the highest number of reported Lyme cases occurs in children aged five to 14.
The alliance emphasizes that, especially if children leave for camp or are spending more time outdoors this summer, it is important to educate them about the danger of Lyme disease, how to check for ticks and how to spot the beginning symptoms of Lyme.
Both the TBDA and the Westport Weston Health District have suggestions for keeping Westonites tick-free this summer.
? Check for ticks daily. If a tick is found, remove with tweezers and discard the tick immediately.
? Use the tick repellent permethrin on clothing and shoes, or buy pretreated clothes that can withstand 70 washes. LLBean and REI are two companies that carry pretreated clothing.
? Unattached ticks can be washed off in the shower or bath. The best time to check is after long hikes or walks outside.
? Question summer sleepover or day camps about how they handle ticks and further educate children about how to be aware of Lyme.
? Treat pets with tick-repelling medicine recommended by a veterinarian.
There are more tips and information about Lyme disease and Lyme prevention on the Westport Weston Health Department website at wwhd.org and the Connecticut Department of Health website at ct.gov/dph.
Source: http://www.thewestonforum.com/12460/understanding-ways-to-lick-lyme-disease/
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