Monday, November 26, 2012

Is Visualization Meditation The Most Powerful Self-Improvement Tool?

Visualization meditation helps you create your ideal life!Visualization meditation may be the single most powerful self-improvement tool you have. Use it to relax, relieve pain, create new thought habits, empower yourself, achieve goals, heal your body, clear up past emotional issues and more.

If you can imagine it, you can live it!

Why is visualization so powerful? Because the mind does not operate using words. Self-talk is very important but the mind instantly translates and processes every word that is thought, heard or read into an image.

?Purple notebook.?

You read a bunch of black squiggles on a white page, but your mind painted a picture. It?s like this with any thought you have.

Unfortunately, most of the images we habitually hold in our heads are not positive, empowering or healing. They are typically not loving, peaceful or happy (if they were, you would be living your ideal healthy, happy and fulfilled life). Unless you are an exceptionally self-aware and self-controlled person, your thoughts will center around:

  • Worry about the future
  • Regrets about the past
  • Problems

That?s not to say that positive-thinking people have their heads in the sand and are in denial about reality! You want to be aware of your problems, but when you focus on the problem (the fact that the problem exists) you cannot be focused on the solution.

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Visualization meditation helps you become solution-oriented rather than problem-oriented. That means, when you think about the future, you will do so with a focus on how you want it. When you think about the past, you will see it as a chapter in your personal history book, but you won?t remain caught up in it (wishing you could undo, redo, relive or fix anything that happened). You?ll see the past as a series of essential lessons.

And, you will immediately set your mind to work in creating a solution.

Use the Silva Method visualization techniques to harness the creative energy of your imagination. The Mental Screen exercise is a way to paint a mental picture of what you want that is not based on ?what is.?

Give your mind a command and let it hunt for solutions.The best time to do visualization meditation is just before you go to sleep. When you direct your imagination to what you want, you give your mind a very clear command. When you do this just before you go to sleep, you will set the wheels of manifesting in motion! Your mind will have all night to ponder the situation, weigh the options, come up with solutions? and when you do this consistently (to make your mind aware that this is really important and you want this!) you will become hyper-aware of your surroundings. You?ll start noticing that what you need is right there in front of you, and now your mind has brought it to your attention. You?ll notice resources. People. Events. Opportunities. And when you take action on these, you?ll quickly move away from the problem to a solution.

How To Practice Visualization Meditation

Sit comfortably (avoid lying in bed because you might fall asleep before you?ve had a chance to clarify and enhance your mental images), eyes closed.

Focus on your breath and allow your body to relax. Your thoughts will slow down as you enter the alert-yet-relaxed alpha brainwave state.

Think about a problem you?re having, but keep your emotions out of it as much as possible. Be very clinical about it: ?this is the problem.?

Fire up your imagination and visualize the end result you want. Don?t give a moment?s thought to how you?re going to achieve this. Forget all the intermediate stuff. That?s your mind?s job and it will do its job if you give it the right command! Always visualize in the present tense, as though what you want is already yours.

The next step is to create positive emotions about your desired end result. Feel happy, elated, relieved, excited and confident that what you want is coming to you and that you are enjoying it (present tense).

Think of it this way:

You go to a restaurant because you have a problem: you?re hungry. Your mind comes up with mental images of various dishes as they are described on the menu. You order your dish, and you visualize yourself eating and enjoying it! You don?t care how your dish is going to be prepared, you only care THAT it will come to you (hopefully soon, before you fill up on too much bread). You sit and enjoy pleasant conversation with your dining partner, all the while confidently anticipating that your dish will arrive, and holding in your mind the feeling of satisfaction of eating your food.

So take that same attitude with any problem you have. Give the visual command, and then release it. Allow your mind to get to work and take immediate action on the information and inspirations you receive, and let go of worry. It?s being handled!

Visualization is most effective just before you go to bed.Another way of using visualization meditation is to release negativity. This can be particularly useful when you?re holding onto a grudge. Many of us hold grudges ? and these are destructive energies, a total waste of mental space, and a huge negative energetic burden. Use a technique called the ?pink bubble? (or another color if you prefer). Place an unwanted thought into the bubble, release it and watch it float away from you.

Acknowledge the thought and the accompanying feeling, and use your imagination to place the thought/feeling into a bubble where it can?t get to you and you can?t get to it. You don?t own it anymore. You don?t have to live with the burden anymore. You can still remember the event, but without the emotional attachment to it.

The pink bubble technique takes practice, but you?ll find that it?s a great way to help release the past.

And anytime you find yourself worrying, use visualization meditation to see the result you want and give it increasing levels of mental energy until it becomes a ?no options? command to your mind.

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